penat dh aku nego ngan dia...at last aku rs aku mmg dh over the limit plak nk beli
budget cuma RM600 jek tapi harga stroller ni paling kurang owner ni kasi RM950
masa baca email dia tadi...menitik air mata....
"Bukan rezeki si kembar rupanya..."
last week melepas nk beli yg Maclaren Techno dr JB...
Murah jek ...RM550 jek
aku ambik compasionate leave sbb ayah aku admitted HUKM
balik keje jek...call supplier tu....
"sowila Ayien....shu dr Perak dh beli"
Skrg ni....dh excited2.... bila dia cakap cannot negotiate
nila antara isi kandungan email dia
"Assalamualaikum Noorul,
This is XXX , YYY's husband. Thanks for yr interest & i read your blog & how u dreaming of the stroller. You made a really good choice as compared to the Maclaren or other brand...we know, because if we hadn't choose & made a good choice, we would have bought the other brands too. But instead we bought this mamas&papas design.
However, good things of course do not come cheap. Quality materials have to have a said price to show its true value, or its not a worth buy. Honestly, the stroller costs RM1600+ when we bought it. And the stroller is in an excellent condition. I have decided to sell it at a very reduced price of SGD$450. My initial offer was SGD$480-SGD$500 to be honest as its not a second hand lousy old item. My price reflects my standard of quality & i don't jack up prices for the sake of making a profit.
We are selling it at a price that you could not possibly find, even if you searched the whole world wide web, cos its in very good condition. In fact for my Malaysian friends & my Malaysian interested buyers, i have decided to actually sell it a much reduced price of RM1000 ( = SGD425),as i do understand the difficult situation in Malaysia that you face & the fact that economically, selling at SGD$450-SGD$480 ( = RM1100 above) would be hard on our friends in malaysia.
YYY has offered RM950 much to my disapproval & she mentioned you wanted it at RM800 only, which is more than half the price we bought.
I think RM950 is a very reasonable price. I hope you will consider that,as i will be putting up in malaysia ebay very soon as my paypal is under process.
Furthermore, we will be actually be driving up to KL in mid dec,so you will actually get your item definitely. Its practically free delivery from us,less the toll charges & fuel bill.
Do think seriously about what i written & maybe you might want to consider,that just this once, this one & only time, spend a little bit more & get something really good, something that you will really like to have, than having to settle for second best....remember, good things come with a price, cheap stuff & copy items (cetak rompak) is cheap but quality is not there. If i were you, like i spent for my family, i always pay that little bit more for what i know i will be satisfied & happy with in the end.
Thank for reading. We do hope to hear from you.
P/s : should you agree,we will mail you the maybank malaysia account of my mum in law & you will pay only 20% deposit & we will secure the item for you....not even any ebay customers can get it. thanks."
alahaiii...bukan rezeki si kembar le gamaknye.. :(
maclaren gak agaknya rezki ko ayien..heheh...i know u r looking for the best n of course cheaper kan??? kalau nak beli mahal bih baik beli baru ye tak?? takpe..dont give up dear..keep searching ya...insyaAllah..nanti ade la tu...gud lucks!!
xpe la ayien, mb ade himah dsebaliknye... think +ve k?
mmm..nak buat mcm mana..x ada rezeki twin ko lah kali lin.....x per ko usaha lagik..keep on searching..insyallah adalah rezeki twin ko tuh
jgn sedeh2 ayien ... now kan sales hujung thn & krismas .. doa byk2 ada rezeki kembar tue ... aminnn
dah deal dh.... owner tu consider tuwunkan skit harga stroller tu...kuwang RM50 jek...tapi takpela... kira punya kira.... sampai kena marah dgn hubby.... akhirnya beli gak dgn harga RM900....rezeki anak aku yg ni gak... hati tk keruan...mlm smpi tk tido.... nk gak yg ni...DPT GAK!!!! Thanx to YANI....
Brilliant posting!
hohhhh dapat gakkk???
ko beli gak la ekh....
beuah anak2ko....
wey aku dah tukar url ni...
sila tukar k...
rezeki si kembar erk..xperla mahal pun mahal ler yang penting ko puas ati and happy..
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